Rocamadour Village: Discovering Medieval Splendor

Rocamadour Village: Discovering Medieval Splendor
dan itibaren EUR 87,00 €
  • Süre: 4 Saat (Tahmini)

Immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of one of France's most stunning villages, nestled in the Quercy region. This architectural marvel is built against a cliff, symbolizing the hierarchical structure of the French Feudal system. Explore the village and witness the distinct orders that governed society: the Chivalry, the Clergy, and the Peasants.

The village's lower section is home to the peasants' houses, while the middle part houses the Sanctuary, where the Clergy resided. At the pinnacle of the cliff lies the Castle, the residence of the local Lord representing the Chivalry.

An Expert English-Speaking Guide Awaits

Embark on your half-day Rocamadour adventure by meeting your English speaking local guide, an expert of the Dordogne region. They will provide an overview of the itinerary and program, ensuring a memorable journey ahead. Step into our spacious, comfortable, air-conditioned Mercedes minivan, and let the exploration begin.

Rocamadour: A Picture-Perfect Pilgrimage

Prepare to be captivated as we make our way to Rocamadour, a village famous for its pilgrimage sites and fortress. Nestled in a gorge above a tributary of the River Dordogne, the village derives its name from the association of St. Amador or Amadour, whose relics were discovered in the heart of the sanctuary in 1166, and the Occitan term for rock, "roca."

Wander through the medieval streets alongside your guide, reaching the steps that lead to the heart of the village. As you ascend the Great Staircase, comprising around 216 steps, imagine the devout pilgrims of the Middle Ages climbing on their knees.

Visit the Monastic Buildings in the Sanctuary

Upon arrival, your guide will introduce you to the sanctuary, guiding you to discover its hidden treasures. Seek out the legendary sword of Roland, known as Durandal, embedded in the cliff. According to legend, Roland, Charlemagne's nephew, threw the sword from the battlefield to ensure it could never be used again.

Explore the renowned Notre Dame Chapel, a remarkable 13th-century complex. Your guide will share the story behind the Black Madonna statue, carved from a walnut tree in the 12th century. Marvel at the ship models hanging from the ceiling, offered by grateful survivors saved from shipwrecks after calling upon the Black Madonna's protection. Listen for the ringing of the miraculous bell, said to toll once for each ship saved. Facing Notre Dame chapel, admire the breathtaking frescoes depicting the Annunciation and Visitation, dating back to the 12th century.

Personal Discovery and Stunning Views

After the sanctuary visit, savor some free time to explore Rocamadour at your own pace. If you exit the sanctuary at the same level, you can venture to the Castle located above. Although the Castle itself is not open for visitation, you can stroll along the ramparts, relishing the panoramic views of the Alzou canyon.

Unforgettable memories await you in Rocamadour, a village steeped in history and spirituality. Join us on this half-day tour and immerse yourself in the beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Reserve your spot now and embark on an extraordinary journey through time.